Getting started

This document will explain how django-easy-profiles into your project. django-easy-maps tries to be as unobtrusive as possible, so you should be able to add or remove components of this app with minimal difficulty.


django-easy-profiles has been tested with the following:

  • Python 2.6.x and Python 2.7.x
  • Django 1.3.x


First fetch the package from PyPI:

pip install django-easy-profiles

Add django-easy-profiles to your INSTALLED_APPS:

    # ...

Wire django-easy-profiles into your URLconf:

urlpatterns = patterns("",
    # ...
    url(r"^profiles/", include("easy_profiles.urls"))

From the command line, create a custom profiles app:

$ startapp profiles

Copy the following into your profiles/ file:

from easy_profiles.models import ProfileBase
class Profile(ProfileBase):

    # first_name, last_name, middle_name, email, is_active already provided
    # Your custom fields added here

You’ll need to connect your profiles Model into

AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = "profiles.Profile"